TV dinner - tradução para Inglês
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TV dinner - tradução para Inglês

Microwave meal; Frozen dinner; Ready meal; Frozen Prepared Food; TV Dinner; Microwavable meal; Tv dinner; Frozen dinners; TV dinner; TV Brand Frozen Dinner; TV Dinners; TV dinners; Television dinner; Instant meal; Prepackaged meal; Ready-made meal; Microwave dinner; Microwavable dinner
  • A frozen [[Swanson]] "Hungry-Man Country [[Fried Chicken]]" TV dinner
  • spaghetti carbonara]] ''ready meal'' after being microwaved

TV dinner         
TV dinner обед из замороженного полуфабриката (продаётся в алюминиевой фольге), обед на скорую руку
TV dinner         


общая лексика

обед из замороженного полуфабриката (продаётся в алюминиевой фольге)

обед на скорую руку

обед из замороженного полуфабриката (продается в алюминиевой фольге), обед на скорую руку

Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Dinner-time; Dinner-time (disambiguation); Dinner-time; Dinner Time (disambiguation)
dinner-time noun время/час обеда



Кристофер (20.10.1632, Ист-Нойл, Уилтшир, - 25.2.1723, Хэмптон-корт), английский архитектор и учёный. Между 1649 и 1653 изучал математику в Оксфордском университете. С 1657 профессор астрономии в Лондоне, с 1661 в Оксфорде. В 1681-83 президент Лондонского королевского общества. Обратившись с 1660-х гг. к архитектуре, стал крупнейшим представителем английского Классицизма. План реконструкции Лондона, составленный Р. после пожара 1666, не был осуществлен, но зодчий построил в Сити многочисленные жилые дома, а также церкви, отличающиеся необычайным разнообразием конструктивных и пространственных решений (церковь Сент-Мэри-ле-Боу, см. илл.). Главные произведение Р. - собор святого Павла в Лондоне (1675-1710, см. илл.), являющийся самым большим протестантским храмом в мире и гармонично объединяющий в своей композиции осевую систему с центральнокупольной. Среди других лондонских построек Р. - величественные ансамбли госпиталей в Челси (см. илл.) и Гринвиче (см. илл.). Много строил также в университетских городах (библиотека Тринити-колледжа в Кембридже).

Лит.: The Wren society, v. 1-20, Oxf., 1924-43; Gould Н., Sir Christopher Wren, renaissance architect, philosopher and scientist, N. Y., 1970; Whinney М., Wren, L.; 1971.

Ансамбль Гринвичского госпиталя. Великобритания. 1616-1728.

Госпиталь в Челси. Великобритания. 1694, Архитектор К. Рен.

Кембридж. Библиотека Тринити-колледжа. 1676-84. Архитектор К. Рен.

Лондон. Собор св. Павла (Сент-Пол). 1675-1710. Архитектор К. Рен.

К. Рен. Башня церкви Сент-Мэри-ле-Боу в Лондоне. 1680.


Frozen meal

A frozen meal (also called TV dinner (Canada and US), prepackaged meal, ready-made meal, ready meal (UK), frozen dinner, and microwave meal) is a packaged frozen meal that comes portioned for an individual. A frozen meal in the United States and Canada usually consists of a type of meat for the main course, and sometimes vegetables, potatoes, and/or a dessert. The main dish can also be pasta or fish. In European frozen meals, Indian and Chinese meals are common. Another form of convenience food, which is merely a refrigerated ready meal that requires less heating but expires sooner, is popular in the UK.

The term TV dinner, which has become common, was first used as part of a brand of packaged meals developed in 1953 by the company C.A. Swanson & Sons (the full name was TV Brand Frozen Dinner). The original TV Dinner came in an aluminum tray and was heated in an oven. In the US and Canada, the term is synonymous with any packaged meal or dish ("dinner") purchased frozen in a supermarket and heated at home. In 1986, the Campbell Soup Company introduced the microwave-safe tray. Consequently, today, most frozen food trays are made of a microwaveable and disposable material, usually plastic or coated cardboard.

Exemplos de pronúncia para TV dinner
1. It wasn't a TV dinner.
Al Franken, Giant of the Senate _ Al Franken _ Talks at Google
2. Yeah, that's particularly gorgeous -- it's the TV dinner of 2001.
3. >>Martha Stewart: I haven't found a TV dinner
Martha Stewart in Conversation with Marissa Mayer _ Talks at Google
4. Well what is that? Does anybody know what that is? That's a TV dinner tray.
Blah Blah Blah - What To Do When Words Don't Work _ Dan Roam _ Talks at Google
5. Smoking cigarettes and eating a TV dinner at 6 in the morning.
The Town (2010)
Exemplos do corpo de texto para TV dinner
1. An empty TV dinner tray collected rainwater near the front door.
2. Even in its early days, the TV dinner was not universally well received.
3. However, he didn‘t want to call himself the father of the TV dinner. I really didn‘t invent the dinner.
4. "[The TV dinner] is a big problem in the UK and America but I think in countries with a stronger food/family tradition, like Italy and Spain, the concept of the TV dinner is probably regarded with horror." ‘Hate mail‘ In the UK, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has launched a high–profile campaign to improve children‘s diets by cutting down on processed food.
5. But it seems that the TV dinner generation has no use for most of the items in their cutlery drawer – they simply eat with their hands.